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FETHIYE, the treasure Turkish.-

Bathed by the blue waters of the Mediterranean, Fethiye at south-west of Turkey, has been since many centuries the enclave of civilizations. Today is one of the favorite destinations for those who want to get lost in the mediterranean sea nature without leaving the comforts of a big city. Fethiye belongs to the district of Mugla with a population of 66.271 peoples, to they are multiply all years thanks to the visitors and tourists.

Fethiye is located at the foothills of "MENDOS", who is part of the mountain range known as "TAURUS", with summits up to 6561.67 ft. above sea level with your perpetual snow, makes easily the practices of all snow sports.

Fethiye is surrounded by mountains covered with Mediterranean pine trees and towering cliffs providing to benign microclimate in bay. Moreover, to from Fethiye can access hundreds of idyllic coves where you relax your body and soul. Its climate is basically is spring and summer, with average temperatures rangings between 60.8 º to 104 º F. Is a natural attraction very valued, to bathe in its endless beaches nine months a year. In addition, you can perform a multitude of sporting activities ranging from yachting, through surface water sports and diving. Without neglecting urban leisure activities, shopping, nightlife and dining.

Fethiye is well connected, you can access by land, sea and air:

  • BY LAND .- Through three magnificent highways from Mugla, Antalya and Burdur.
  • BY SEA .- Fethiye has a natural harbor that houses many pleasure boats and yachts, also has the fourth largest port in Turkey to receive seasonal cruises.
  • BY AIR .- From the main European and Asian cities, that go directly to Dalaman airport only 31,07 miles from Fethiye.
  • Further south, to 7.45 miles from Fethiye and on top of one of the mountains surrounding , is another Mediterranean wonder: Ölüdeniz at the foot of Mount Bababadag, where the adventurous can practice many outdoor sports on the coast or in your snowy peaks.

    CUISINE .- All the coastal area is very fertile and produces the most fruits and vegetables in the country, which is complemented by its rich seafood like tuna, mussels and other varieties of fish and shellfish.

    The cuisine in Fethiye is very complete, mainly based on fish, shellfish, poultry, olive oil and vegetables, with they are the make true delicacies in the form of "mezes" (appetizers varied) food specially indicated if accompanied with the "raki ", the national drink, although wine and beer are also present.

    If you don't drink alcohol, it is usual enjoy most various dishes based to: soups, vegetables, meat or fishes. As a note, has the "hamsi", is a fish like the "anchovet" or "boquerón" they make of 100 different ways in across the country. In htis point add that due to its geographical location, the turkish cuisine has been influenced by Asian, African and European, the proof is the "lahmakun" a kind of pizza, which was undoubtedly the Italian pizza precedent.

    The desserts deserve a separate chapter, we can enjoy the "helva" a type of nougat that dates from the XI century or your feta cheese.

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    RECETA: Mejillones rellenos / Mydie Dolma: 5 personas.

    1 taza = 250 ml. 20 mejillones de 7 cm
    85 ml. de aceite de oliva.
    01 cebolla de gran tamaño. (preferentemente los de cáscara marrón)
    190 gr. de arroz.
    1 cucharadita de menta.
    1 cucharadita de pasta de tomate.
    1 / 3 taza, picado eneldo.
    Una cuacharadita de azúcar.
    Sal y pimienta al gusto.
    1 taza de agua tibia (250 ml.)


    Aceite de oliva, 2 limones
    01 cebolla grande, sla,
    1 taza de agua tibia (250 ml.)


    - Limpiar y lavar los mejillones, colocarlos en un recipiente lleno de agua fría.
    - A parte, en una olla hacer un sofrito: echar el aceite de oliva, 01 cebolla bien picada, una pizaca de azúcar y la sal.
    - Saltear hasta que la cebolla esté semi-translúcida.
    - Lavar el arroz con agua fría, (hasta que el agua salga casi transparente), luego añadirlo al sofrito, hasta que esté vidrioso.
    - Añadir la pasta de tomate y menta, y cocine por 2 minutos más hasta notar su aroma.
    - Verter el agua sobre el arroz, revuelva suavemente y tape la olla.
    - Cuando llegue a un primer hervor, añadir el eneld, bajar el fuego al mínimo y dejar cocinando hasta que el agua se haya evaporado. Cuando vea unos pequeños "Cráteres".
    - Veter el arroza un plato para que se enfríe.
    - Rellene los mejillones en forma pareja con en el arroz. Las conchas deben cerrar perfectamente, colocarles limón en rodajas (una rodaja por mejillón). - Precalentar el horno a 150º.
    - Poner un papel mojado en la fuente del horno, añadir la otra cebolla en gajos a modo de "cama" y colocar los mejillones rellenos sobre encima. - Añadir 250ml de agua tibia.
    - Vierta un chorrito (35 ml.) de aceite de oliva sobre los mejillones. Espolvorear con sal.
    - meterlos en el horno durante 20 o 30 minutos.
    - Cuando se enfríe, servir con cuartos de limón al lado.

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