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LIMA, City of Kings.-

On the shores of the Pacific Ocean, is the capital of Peru: Lima. With an area of 1655.95 mi2 and more than 8.6 million inhabitants, is the most populous city and fifth in Latin America.

Their classification is globally -beta 5. Along with the Constitutional Province of Callao, Lima has the largest communications infrastructure land, sea and air of Peru.

Founded by Francisco Pizarro on January 18 of 1835 in the valley of Limaq, under the name "City of Kings", was the capital of the Viceroyalty of Peru which covered modern-day Panama, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia , Chile, Paraguay, Uruguay, Argentina and the western part of present-day Brazil.

Lima is crossed by rivers: Chillon, Rimac and Lurin. It has a pleasant climate with temperatures ranging from 17 degrees in winter to 30 degrees in summer with four distinct seasons: spring (September-December), summer (December-April), fall (April-June) and winter (June to September )

The city has a variety of historical and cultural attractions among which we quote: The Government Palace also known as "the house of Pizarro" neo-colonial and neo-Baroque style, the Cathedral of Lima, The House of the Judge, the Union Club , the Archbishop's Palace, all around the Plaza de Armas. The Quinta de Presa, beautiful places such as Square of San Martin and Square of Italia, large green areas, real lungs of the city as the Field of Mars, or the Parque de la Reserva, to name a few.

The Callao also has its own attractions: the Real Felipe Fortress, built in the eighteenth century during the Viceroyalty of: Jose Antonio Manso de Velasco and Manuel de Amant and Junient to combat the constant attacks of pirates and privateers.

But Lima is not only story at street level, has a rich cultural life, night and like the rest of the country, a varied and exquisite cuisine.

  • The Lima culture:
  • Museo Larco, Lima Art Museum, Museum of Contemporary Art, Museum Gold of Peru Museum of the Inquisition and Congress, the Philharmonic Society.

  • The Lima at night:
  • Barranco is one of the charming districts of Lima, where the legendary bridge of "sighs", plus many "rocks" of folk music as "De Rompe y Raja", "noma Oita", among others: also Miraflores, San Isidro and Chorrillos, are the districts with a varied nightlife.

  • The Lima gastronomic:
  • In Lima and Callao find delicacies like true: The lomo saltado, aji de gallina, cau-cau, anticucho, the Mondonguito Italian or the Clasic Peruvian dish : El Ceviche, the cheeky, purple porridge and sighs of Lima are desserts you can not miss. To accompany with beer, chicha morada or the national drink: Pisco Sour.

  • NOTE:
  • This coming July 28 Peru celebrates its National Day, so that visitors and tourists will find a variety of recreational activities and cultural festivities throughout the country, mostly free.

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    Lima Ciudad para TODOS

    RECETA: Mejillones rellenos / Mydie Dolma: 5 personas.

    1 taza = 250 ml. 20 mejillones de 7 cm
    85 ml. de aceite de oliva.
    01 cebolla de gran tamaño. (preferentemente los de cáscara marrón)
    190 gr. de arroz.
    1 cucharadita de menta.
    1 cucharadita de pasta de tomate.
    1 / 3 taza, picado eneldo.
    Una cuacharadita de azúcar.
    Sal y pimienta al gusto.
    1 taza de agua tibia (250 ml.)


    Aceite de oliva, 2 limones
    01 cebolla grande, sla,
    1 taza de agua tibia (250 ml.)


    - Limpiar y lavar los mejillones, colocarlos en un recipiente lleno de agua fría.
    - A parte, en una olla hacer un sofrito: echar el aceite de oliva, 01 cebolla bien picada, una pizaca de azúcar y la sal.
    - Saltear hasta que la cebolla esté semi-translúcida.
    - Lavar el arroz con agua fría, (hasta que el agua salga casi transparente), luego añadirlo al sofrito, hasta que esté vidrioso.
    - Añadir la pasta de tomate y menta, y cocine por 2 minutos más hasta notar su aroma.
    - Verter el agua sobre el arroz, revuelva suavemente y tape la olla.
    - Cuando llegue a un primer hervor, añadir el eneld, bajar el fuego al mínimo y dejar cocinando hasta que el agua se haya evaporado. Cuando vea unos pequeños "Cráteres".
    - Veter el arroza un plato para que se enfríe.
    - Rellene los mejillones en forma pareja con en el arroz. Las conchas deben cerrar perfectamente, colocarles limón en rodajas (una rodaja por mejillón). - Precalentar el horno a 150º.
    - Poner un papel mojado en la fuente del horno, añadir la otra cebolla en gajos a modo de "cama" y colocar los mejillones rellenos sobre encima. - Añadir 250ml de agua tibia.
    - Vierta un chorrito (35 ml.) de aceite de oliva sobre los mejillones. Espolvorear con sal.
    - meterlos en el horno durante 20 o 30 minutos.
    - Cuando se enfríe, servir con cuartos de limón al lado.

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    Original design by: Adrian Mato Gondelle - Customizer by: O.Jara Creativos