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POIANA BRASOV, winter paradise.-

To only 9.32 miles from important Brasov tourist cultural and business center, one finds the station of Poiana Brasov (3,166 - 3,444 ft) in the current Romania. It was founded as tourist winter destination in 1895 for the nobility and high social class. At present, they is one of the most important winter resorts of the country. In addition, of his tracks of skiing, offers to the traveler and his relatives a varied offer of restaurants, snack bars, modern hotels, rural accommodations and bungalows with all the imaginable serviceability. Of course, also it is equipped well as for the night free time with several snack-bars, discs, theaters and cafes; where to listen from folk Rumanian, pop or jazz.

Poiana Brasov is located in the Carpathians that it is the one that agglutinates the best ski resorts of natural snow of the country, in addition to being associated long ago with the fictional image of count Drácula. Despite everything, Romania shuts up great more history, which mends until 42.000 years ago, since the bony remains testify it of " homo sapiens-sapiens " more ancient of Europe, baptized as Ion dough Anina (Juan de Anina), in honor to the region where it was discovered.

Romania is located to the southeast of Center Europe and borders to the North-East on Ukraine and Moldavia, to this one on the Black Sea, on the west on Hungary and Serbian and on the south on Bulgaria. At present the country has an extension of 238.391Km., with a population of 19.599.506 inhabitants, turning her in the seventh country most filled with the current European Union. His capital is Bucharest with 1.628.426 persons.

In 1859, the principalities of, Tare Româneasca and Moldova, joined under the name of Romance countries, but it did not become independent until 1878 thanks to the ideas of Alexandru Ioan Cuza (1859 - 1866). Although his current configuration was not possible even after I World war (1918), in which Basarabia, Bucovina and Transylvania could join freely with Romania.

The Rumanians are mostly kind, workpeople, lovers of the serviceability and the sports, from what we will find there where we go, even in the smallest people all infrastructures necessary to spend it well.

Poiana Brasov is provided with 4 tracks of up to half a kilometer of length, with diverse grades of difficulty for children, new and experienced skiers or snowboarders. At all the stations there exist instructors who speak English so much (the majority), German, French and even Spanish. Very well communicated by highway and comfortably conditioned for the White sport between forests of firs and environments of a natural unforgettable beauty.

An important note is that the period of hard snow from December up to beginning of April; also the Rumanian legislation is permissive as for the ski in virgin snow, from what also it is an attraction added for the lovers of the extreme ski and more now when in the conventional tracks of the whole Europe the snow does not come off or shines for his absence. If to this we add that the prices are much more attractive that in other destinations, we can consider to visit Poiana Brasov.

Local gastronomy: Romania has a big variety of dishes, where the meats and vegetables of period along with his elaborated preparation are his signs of identity:

  • Main courses:
  • Sarmale, meat and vegetables wrapped in sheets of cabbage, the richest, Ciorba of burta, soup done by means of tripe and vegetables, marvellous!, Ciorba taraneasca, a soup more forceful and equally rich, and low in fats, Mititei, king's sausages lamb for a day of camping.
  • Desserts:
  • Cozonac
  • Drinks:
  • Palinca or the Tiuca, fruit-bearing firewater, in wines: Fat of cotnari, Busuioaca of bohotin.

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RECETA: Mejillones rellenos / Mydie Dolma: 5 personas.

1 taza = 250 ml. 20 mejillones de 7 cm
85 ml. de aceite de oliva.
01 cebolla de gran tamaño. (preferentemente los de cáscara marrón)
190 gr. de arroz.
1 cucharadita de menta.
1 cucharadita de pasta de tomate.
1 / 3 taza, picado eneldo.
Una cuacharadita de azúcar.
Sal y pimienta al gusto.
1 taza de agua tibia (250 ml.)


Aceite de oliva, 2 limones
01 cebolla grande, sla,
1 taza de agua tibia (250 ml.)


- Limpiar y lavar los mejillones, colocarlos en un recipiente lleno de agua fría.
- A parte, en una olla hacer un sofrito: echar el aceite de oliva, 01 cebolla bien picada, una pizaca de azúcar y la sal.
- Saltear hasta que la cebolla esté semi-translúcida.
- Lavar el arroz con agua fría, (hasta que el agua salga casi transparente), luego añadirlo al sofrito, hasta que esté vidrioso.
- Añadir la pasta de tomate y menta, y cocine por 2 minutos más hasta notar su aroma.
- Verter el agua sobre el arroz, revuelva suavemente y tape la olla.
- Cuando llegue a un primer hervor, añadir el eneld, bajar el fuego al mínimo y dejar cocinando hasta que el agua se haya evaporado. Cuando vea unos pequeños "Cráteres".
- Veter el arroza un plato para que se enfríe.
- Rellene los mejillones en forma pareja con en el arroz. Las conchas deben cerrar perfectamente, colocarles limón en rodajas (una rodaja por mejillón). - Precalentar el horno a 150º.
- Poner un papel mojado en la fuente del horno, añadir la otra cebolla en gajos a modo de "cama" y colocar los mejillones rellenos sobre encima. - Añadir 250ml de agua tibia.
- Vierta un chorrito (35 ml.) de aceite de oliva sobre los mejillones. Espolvorear con sal.
- meterlos en el horno durante 20 o 30 minutos.
- Cuando se enfríe, servir con cuartos de limón al lado.

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Original design by: Adrian Mato Gondelle - Customizer by: O.Jara Creativos